Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies en-US (Julienne Kate Kintanar) (ERIC JOHN MOLINA) Fri, 05 Jul 2024 05:43:48 +0000 OJS 60 TEACHERS’ MORALE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFICIENCY <p>Generally, the study determined the teachers’ morale on the relationship between change management and organizational efficiency. It specifically determined the significant correlation between the change management, organizational efficiency, and teachers’ morale. Descriptive–correlational research design was used to analyze the data taken from the 105 respondents chosen through complete enumeration. It used a self-formulated survey questionnaires that was validated. It was tested to measure its reliability using Cronbach Alpha (0.111). The statistical tools used to test the hypothesis were Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and Regression Analysis. Findings showed that the level of change management where they are upgraded in innovating solutions to address gaps, understanding changes of management process, and engaging the entire team towards a common goal. The level of teachers’ morale where they are outstanding in making everyone feel important and valued, capturing students’ attention and stimulate their curiosity and offering individual assistance to struggling students. The level of organizational efficiency where they are highly efficient in utilizing existing resources to achieved goals and caring out duty and responsibility to achieve the objective of the overall teaching and learning process. Moreover, the organizational efficiency had a significant relationship with the teachers’ morale. A significant influence of the same factor was also observed. Therefore, if the teachers’ morale highly practice within an organization, the efficiency of an organization will increase. Hence, change management had an insignificant relationship with the teachers’ morale. As a result, organizational efficiency directly influences teachers’ morale regardless of the level of change management.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <strong>&nbsp;</strong>morale, change management, organizational efficiency, regression analysis, Kabacan North District, Philippines</p> Anna Lou S. Bautista Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS NO. 5: A QUALITATIVE STUDY EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF GENDER EQUALITY AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMS TO TEACHERS IN DEPED ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS <p>This study examines the impact of gender equality and women empowerment initiatives on teachers in elementary schools under the Department of Education (DepEd). The study specifically focuses on the influence of these programs on achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 5, which is Gender Equality. The study examines a wide range of topics, each essential for comprehending the complex implications of these programs in educational environments. The study used a qualitative research design particularly the phenomenology. With the 15 participants chosen purposively the study specifically explored: a) the different gender equality and women empowerment programs provided by the DepEd to teachers; b) the impact of the said programs on teachers’ performance; and c) the needs of gender equality and women empowerment programs of the teachers. Nevertheless, the results showed that on the different gender equality and women empowerment programs provided by the DepEd to teachers, it was revealed that teachers were able to attend and avail such training workshops particularly on gender sensitivity, leadership development and women empowerment. the impact of the said programs on teachers’ performance, it revealed the following significant themes: handling gender-related issues, creating inclusive classroom for all types of learners and professional development. Moreover, on the needs of gender equality and women empowerment programs of the teachers, three themes were discovered such as trainings to advocate gender equality in, training and mentorship for career advancement and trainings for financial literacy. Finally, this study highlights the significance of gender equality and women empowerment initiatives in fostering inclusive education, enhancing teacher efficacy, and promoting sustainable development objectives. By focusing on these important topics, schools may help create a fair and empowered educational setting for both instructors and students. This, in turn, will promote will promote constructive societal change and growth.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> sustainable development goals, gender equality, women empowerment, teachers, gender sensitivity, leadership development, women empowerment, handling gender-related issues, creating inclusive classroom for all types of learners, professional development</em></p> Irene D. Copliros Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING TEACHERS’ APPROACHES IN STRENGTHENING READING FLUENCY OF STUDENTS: AN EXPLORATORY SEQUENTIAL DESIGN <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study determined the dimensions of teachers’ approaches in strengthening reading fluency of the students. Ten participants were invited for in-depth-interview (IDI) and 7 participants for focus group discussion (FGD). Two hundred (200) teachers as respondents used for exploratory factor analysis in the Municipality of Matalam, Cotabato. This study employed an exploratory sequential design. The data gathering tool contained formulated interview guide that asks questions about their thoughts on teachers’ approaches in strengthening reading fluency dimensions. The results revealed upon factor analysis that a teachers’ approaches in strengthening reading fluency have four themes which include management of educational materials and instruction process, assessment of education process and students, facilitating inclusive learning-teaching experience and work efficacy. Teachers’ Approaches in Strengthening Reading Fluency Questionnaire with 52 items was developed. Reliability test revealed the results on teachers’ approaches in strengthening reading fluency the overall Cronbach’s Alpha value of .709 which interpreted as high. It means that the validity of the instrument was very high and suitable for using the instrument as a tool.&nbsp; Results from the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) revealed that there are 52 items of set of questionnaires that are suitable for factor loading. This means that these items are appropriate and pass the face validity for measuring tools in the study.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><br><strong>Keywords</strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Reading Fluency, Public-School Teachers, Exploratory Sequential Design, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Municipality of Matalam</span></em></p> Gladys O. Avance Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING FAMILY DYNAMICS AND PRACTICES TOWARDS STUDENT PERSEVERANCE IN LEARNING: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH <p>This study examined the ideas of family dynamics and practices towards student perseverance in learning. Particularly, this study used a narrative research design with students as the participants in the study.&nbsp; There where ten participants involved for the individual interview and another 7 participants for the focus group interview. The data collections happened using a face-to-face interview and the data gathered has been analyze using Braun and Clarke model, using a self-made interview guide questionnaire to contextualized the questions. The result revealed that there are four themes on the key family dynamics influencing student perseverance in learning, these are: family expectations, educational priority, parenting styles, autonomy and independence in students. Meanwhile, there are two reasons how do cultural traditions and values shape family practices relate to student perseverance in learning which include: family values and academic motivation, family influence and educational aspiration. Furthermore, there are two emerging themes about the challenges and opportunities in the socio-economic context impact family dynamics and practices influencing student perseverance in learning and that includes: supportive network and perseverance, financial constraints on educational resources. This study recommended that educators and policymakers prioritize understanding and addressing the complex interplay of family dynamics and practices in influencing student perseverance in learning. Recognizing the significant impact of familial factors such as supportive networks, financial constraints, and cultural values on students' academic experiences is crucial for developing effective interventions and support systems.</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Family Dynamics and Practices, Perseverance in Learning</em><em>, Narrative Research Design, Municipality of Mlang, Philippines</em></p> Umanan M. Tause Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHERS’ INTERVENTION IN IMPROVING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION SKILLS OF ELEMENTARY PUPILS: EXPLORATORY APPROACH <p>This study determined the dimensions of improving English pronunciation skills of elementary pupils through interventions among public-school teachers. Ten participants were invited for in-depth-interview (IDI) and 7 participants for focus group discussion (FGD). Two hundred (200) teachers as respondents used for exploratory factor analysis in the Municipality of Matalam, Cotabato. The study employed an exploratory sequential design. The data gathering tool contained formulated interview guide that asks questions about their thoughts on improving English pronunciation skills of elementary pupils. The results revealed upon factor analysis that interventions in improving English pronunciation skills of elementary pupils have eight themes which include provision of teaching materials and techniques, showcasing expertise and social integration in work organization, enhancing engagement and participation, teachers’ preparation and commitment, identifying problems and finding solutions, provision of support and technology integration for instruction, teachers’ personality and teaching efficacy, and instructional design and methods. Teachers’ Intervention in Improving English Pronunciation Skills Questionnaire with 81 items was developed. Reliability test revealed the results on teachers’ intervention in improving English pronunciation skills the overall Cronbach’s Alpha value of .837 which interpreted as very high. It means that the validity of the instrument was very high and suitable for using the instrument as a tool.&nbsp; Results from the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) revealed that there are 81 items of set of questionnaires that are suitable for factor loading. This means that these items are appropriate and pass the face validity for measuring tools in the study.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong><em>: Teachers’ Intervention, English Pronunciation Skills, Public-School Teachers, Exploratory Sequential Design, Exploratory Factor Analysis</em></p> Honelyn C. Canque Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INSPIRING JOURNEYS OF RESILIENCE AND SUCCESS OF WORKING STUDENTS: REAL LIFE STORIES OF OVERCOMING OBSTACLES <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study examined the ideas of inspiring journeys of resilience and success of working students. Particularly, this study used a phenomenological research design with working students as the participants in the study.&nbsp; There where ten participants involved for the individual interview and another seven participants for the focus group interview. The data collections happened using a face-to-face interview and the data gathered has been analyze using Braun and Clarke model, using a self-made interview guide questionnaire to contextualize the questions. The result revealed that there are two themes on how do working students define and experience resilience in the face of adversity, these are: balancing priorities, overcoming challenges. Meanwhile, there are two factors and strategies do working students’ credit for successfully navigating challenges and setbacks which include: utilizing available resources, social network support. Furthermore, there are two emerging themes about the ways do working students perceive the impact of their resilience on personal growth and well-being following challenging life events and that includes: increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, and improved problem-solving skills and adaptability. This study recommended that a comprehensive understanding of the practical learning needs be developed to illuminate the inspiring journeys of resilience and success among working students. By delving into the unique challenges faced by this demographic, educational institutions and policymakers can tailor support systems that foster resilience and facilitate success.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">Working Students, Phenomenological Research Design, Municipality </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">of Kabacan, Philippines</span></p> Rissa Mae L. Alarilla Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF INCLUSIVE PRACTICES IN MAINSTREAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS FOR LEARNERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS <p>This study aims to explore the implementation of inclusive practices within mainstream elementary schools catering to learners with special needs. Employing exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the study delineates crucial themes and structural dimensions that are vital for augmenting inclusive educational frameworks. A total of nine themes were identified, emphasizing pivotal areas such as social cohesion, inclusive learning environments, and challenges related to resource accessibility each critical for fostering supportive educational contexts. Furthermore, the EFA revealed five foundational dimensions, including Inclusive Special Education Support, Advocacy and Inclusive Education, Collaborative Professional Development, Confidence in Teaching Diversity, and Inclusion in School Activities. These dimensions are essential for outlining the infrastructural elements necessary for the effective integration of inclusive practices. The analytical process led to the development of an evaluative instrument comprising 64 rigorously validated items spread across these identified dimensions, which exhibited a high degree of reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.976), thus confirming its suitability for measuring inclusive practices. The study also articulates targeted recommendations for diverse educational stakeholders’ school administrators, teachers, students, and the community. These recommendations stress the importance of resource allocation, the enhancement of professional development, the active fostering of inclusivity, and the engagement with community resources to cultivate a comprehensive inclusive environment. This investigation significantly enriches the academic literature by providing a validated measurement tool and detailed strategies designed to support the integration of learners with special needs into mainstream educational settings.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Inclusive Education, Special Needs, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Exploratory Approach, Alamada, North Cotabato</em></p> Michael John B. Manos Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TECHNOLOGY ISSUES OF NON- TEACHING PERSONNEL: A QUALITATIVE STUDY <p>This study examined the technology issues of non-teaching personnel and employed thematic analysis to explore the lived experiences of Non-Teaching Personnel in educational settings, addressing technology issues. Three essential themes emerged: Efficiency and Productivity Enhancement, Workplace Technological Integration, and Administrative Efficiency and Technology Enhancement. These findings illuminate the multifaceted impact of technology on non-teaching personnel, emphasizing the imperative for enhanced efficiency and seamless integration in both workplace practices and administrative processes. Similarly, an examination of technological challenges faced by administrative staff identified three sub-themes: Technology Productivity and Competency, Managing Technology Privacy Concerns, and Technology Opportunity and Challenges. This comprehensive analysis delves into nuanced aspects, addressing productivity, competency, privacy concerns, and the broader spectrum of opportunities and challenges presented by technology in the educational context. Furthermore, an exploration of Digital Literacy Among Non-Teaching Personnel revealed three themes: Technological Workshop and Training, Technology Leverage and Skill Development, and Positive Impact on Efficiency and Productivity. These findings underscore the significance of targeted workshops and training, skill development through technology leverage, and positive repercussions on efficiency and productivity resulting from enhanced digital literacy. In conclusion, the study advocates for tailored training programs, comprehensive digital literacy initiatives, and robust technology policies. Recommendations include fostering a culture of continuous learning, collaboration between teaching and non-teaching staff, and the integration of digital literacy in the curriculum. The study suggests exploring the long-term impact of digital literacy initiatives and investigating innovative solutions to emerging technological challenges in educational settings.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Thematic Analysis, Non-Teaching Personnel, Technology Issues, Digital Literacy, Educational Setting, Carmen North Cotabato. </em></p> Hilarion T. Buot Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPACT OF VALUES EDUCATION IN DAILY LIVES OF STUDENTS: A QUALITATIVE STUDY <p>This study addresses important concerns about the application, effectiveness, and impact of values education on student success as it examines the varied impacts of this kind of instruction on students' academic, social, and personal growth. In addition, the research looks at practical methods teachers use to instill moral principles in the classroom. It explores the critical elements that lead to students' success, highlighting the influence of personal values on learning strategies and scholastic performance. Additionally, it lists the core principles that elementary school students should uphold and emphasizes their importance in developing successful students and morally upright adults. Moreover, the study outlines the most effective ways to incorporate values education into school curricula, with a focus on ways to involve every member of the school community and foster an inclusive, happy environment that upholds the lessons taught. Furthermore, the study explores the critical elements that support values education programs' ability to help students develop positive social skills and personal behaviors. It emphasizes the critical roles that effective teacher involvement, dedicated staff, and school leadership play in this regard. In this study, the approach was descriptive research. The researcher actively engages the participants in a face to face in-depth-interview and focus group discussion. The study aims to explore the impact of values education. It was revealed three themes, Personal Development Factors, Academic Development Factors, Social Development Factors.&nbsp; The school practices implementing values education program and the positive gains of values education programs in school. Six sub-themes were mentioned number one table: (i) Creation of Supportive Environment, (ii) Classroom Environment Accepting Diversity, (iii) Encouragement of Responsibility and Diligence, (iv) Promotion of Social Harmony, (v) Understanding of Cultural Diversity. In school practices in promoting values education programs. Additionally, in table number two, lots of themes were revealed. They are promotion of positive outlook, personal values in learning approaches, expectations at primary level, and relevant values in curriculum. Five sub-themes were mentioned like creation of supportive environment, classroom environment accepting diversity, encouragement of responsibility and diligence, promotion of social harmony. Lastly, understanding cultural diversity. In table three, positive gains in values education programs in school identified different aspects as themes, Spiritual Gains, Professional Gains, Social Gains, Psychological Gains, Emotional Gains and Educational Gains. Lots of sub-themes were mentioned.</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Academic, Social and Personal Growth, Personal Values, Values Education Program, Positive Social Skills, Students Success</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Elaine C. Gomez Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHERS’ COMPASSION FATIGUE IN TEACHING: AN EXPLORATORY SEQUENTIAL DESIGN <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study explores teachers' compassion fatigue in teaching through an exploratory mixed-method design. The approach involves an initial qualitative phase followed by a quantitative phase, with a final integration of data from both phases. More specifically, it aimed to construct, develop and evaluate the dimensions of teachers’ compassion fatigue in teaching scale. In the qualitative phase, there were seven teachers who participated in the in-depth interview and ten teachers participated in the focus group discussion. There were five themes that emerged from the interview that put emphasis on workload and stress, lack of resources and support, student behavior and discipline challenges, emotional engagement and investment, and lack of autonomy and control. A 90-item new approaches of teaching scale was also constructed based from the results of the interview, which was subjected to the quantitative phase. In the quantitative phase, 200 questionnaire responses were analyzed for exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results showed five underlying dimensions of teachers’ compassion fatigue in teaching. The study found high internal consistency among the five factors, with Emotional Engagement and Investment, Lack of Autonomy and Control, and Lack of resources and support, Student behavior and discipline challenges, and Workload and Stress demonstrating commendable to perfect reliability (α = 0.957 to 1.000). The overall Cronbach's Alpha is 0.885. A total of five themes on dimensions of teachers’ compassion fatigue in teaching questionnaire was developed which are emotional engagement and investment with a total of twenty-two items, lack of resources and support with a total of twelve items, student behavior and discipline challenges with a total of seventeen items, lack of resources and support with a total of twelve items, workload and stress with a total of twenty items, and lack of autonomy and control with a total of thirteen items and the overall the scale has a total of 84-item questionnaire. This study recommends that educational institutions prioritize the implementation of interventions aimed at mitigating factors contributing to compassion fatigue among teachers.</span></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Compassion Fatigue, Teachers, Exploratory Sequential Design,&nbsp; &nbsp; Factor Analysis, Kidapawan City, Philippines</span></em></p> Neste Ann S. Bernal Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE MEDIATING ROLE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES AND STAFF COHESION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A CONVERGENT DESIGN <p>The study was conducted to find out the levels of conflict resolution, levels of emotional intelligence and levels of staff cohesion among teachers as well as if conflict resolution and emotional intelligence significantly predict staff cohesion, and also if conflict resolution really mediates the relationship between conflict resolution and staff cohesion. This study used a convergent mixed method design with a total of 17 participants for qualitative data, specifically 10 participants for the individual interview and 7 for focus group discussion. Meanwhile, a total of 200 teachers were asked to answer the survey questionnaire for the quantitative data. A survey questionnaire was used to gather data on conflict resolution, emotional intelligence and staff cohesion. The result revealed that there is a high level of conflict resolution, moderate level of emotional intelligence and high staff cohesion level. Moreover, all the variables conflict resolution and emotional intelligence significantly predicts staff cohesion. On the other hand, conflict resolution and emotional intelligence has a significant indirect effect on quality of staff cohesion. This implies that emotional intelligence really mediates the relationship between conflict resolution and staff cohesion. Meanwhile, two themes emerge from the interview which put emphasis on open communication, and supportive leadership. Furthermore, data revealed a strong confirmation on the corroboration between the quantitative data and the qualitative data. This study recommended that educational institutions prioritize the development of conflict resolution skills among teachers as a means to enhance staff cohesion. By recognizing the mediating effect of conflict resolution on the relationship between emotional intelligence and staff cohesion, schools can implement targeted training programs and workshops aimed at improving conflict management strategies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Conflict Resolution, Emotional Intelligence, Staff Cohesion, Convergent Design, Municipality of M’lang, Philippines</em></p> Sheen Marie Y. Dalipe Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 LIVED EXPERIENCES OF ISLAMIC STUDIES AND ARABIC LANGUAGES (ISAL) TEACHERS IN PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION: A QUALITATIVE STUDY <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study examined the lived experiences as an Islamic studies and Arabic languages (ISAL). Particularly, this study used a narrative research design with students’ aging from 18 years old as the participants in the study.&nbsp; There where ten participants involved for the individual interview and another 7 participants for the focus group interview. The data collections happened using a face-to-face interview and the data gathered has been analyze using </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Braun and Clarke model, using a self-made interview guide questionnaire to contextualized the questions. The result revealed that </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">the challenges faced by Islamic Studies and Arabic Languages (ISAL) teachers, these are the themes emerged by the participants: cultural sensitivity and misunderstanding, limited resources and support, and language proficiency and communication barriers. Meanwhile, there are three challenges experienced by teachers in perceptions of ISAL teachers in public school education regarding their professional development which include: perceptions of professional development, impact on classroom practices, and need for tailored development programs. Furthermore, there are three emerging themes about how do the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of ISAL teachers in public school education influence their lived experiences in the classroom and that includes: cultural and linguistic influences, strategies for navigating differences, and interactions with students and colleagues. This study recommended that educational institutions and policymakers prioritize the development and implementation of culturally responsive professional development programs for Islamic Studies and Arabic Languages (ISAL) teachers. Tailored workshops and training initiatives should be designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities arising from the cultural and linguistic aspects of ISAL teaching, equipping teachers with effective strategies for navigating differences in the classroom.</span></p> <p><br><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Islamic Studies and Arabic Languages (ISAL) Teachers, Narrative Research Design, Municipality of Pigcawayan, Philippines</span></em></p> Amirodin E. Bansil Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UNDERSTANDING THE ESSENCE OF TEACHERS’ INTERVENTION IN ALS LEARNING: A QUALITATIVE STUDY <p>This study delves into the complexities of Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) education, focusing on teachers' experiences, challenges, and strategies in implementing ALS interventions. Through qualitative analysis, four key themes emerged from each of the three areas explored: the essence of teacher intervention, challenges faced in implementation, and overcoming these challenges with effective strategies. Firstly, teachers' interventions in ALS are characterized by Long-Term Commitment, Adaptation and Responsiveness, Personalization in Education, and Engagement and Motivation. These attributes highlight the dedication and flexibility required of educators in ALS environments, emphasizing the need for a tailored approach to meet diverse learner needs. Secondly, the study identifies four major challenges faced by ALS teachers: Resource Constraints, Economic and Accessibility Challenges, Contemporary Challenges, and the necessity of Enhancing Employability. These challenges underscore the resource limitations and the dynamic nature of the educational landscape that educators must navigate. Lastly, the study reveals strategies for overcoming these challenges: Engagement and Collaboration, Integrative Learning, Network Engagement, and Quantitative Assessment. These strategies suggest a collaborative, multifaceted approach to ALS education, involving continual assessment and integration of various learning modalities. Conclusions highlight the resilience and adaptability of ALS educators amidst various challenges. Recommendations include increased resource allocation, policy reforms for greater accessibility and economic support, continuous professional development for educators, and a curriculum that aligns with current employability demands.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Alternative Learning Systems, Teacher Interventions, Educational, </em><em>Challenges, Strategy Implementation, Inclusive Education,</em><em>&nbsp;Qualitative Approach, Kidapawan City</em></p> Mark Oliver Cartoneros Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING INVENTIVE STRATEGIES OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS TO MINIMIZE CLASSROOM INTERRUPTIONS: A QUALITATIVE DESIGN <p>The presence of interruptions in the classroom presents considerable obstacles to the educational process, leading school administrators to develop innovative approaches in order to minimize their effects. This study explores the innovative approaches used by school administrators to reduce disruptions in the classroom and their impact on teaching methods. The main aim of this study is to investigate the innovative approaches employed by educational administrators in order to reduce disruptions in the classroom. Furthermore, the objective of this study is to explore the challenges and these strategies on academic achievements and to offer suggestions for improving instructional methods in light of disruptions of classes. Comprehending the innovative strategies utilized by school administrators is crucial for guiding policy formulation and enhancing educational implementation. This study makes a valuable contribution to the continuing conversation on successful educational leadership and policy execution by examining these techniques and their influence on learning outcomes. The study's participants comprised school administrators from various educational settings, encompassing public schools spanning many grade levels. The researchers utilized a purposive sampling strategy in order to guarantee the inclusion of participants from diverse geographical locations and institutional contexts. This methodology facilitated the incorporation of administrators possessing a wide range of viewpoints and ideas that are pertinent to the aims of the study. The examination of the data through thematic analysis unveiled a number of important themes from the challenges (unable to implement co and extracurricular activities, no time for family and natural calamities; on the inventive strategies (goal setting, abide with the law and modular instruction) and; the impact (increased learning performance, maximized teaching and learning processes and improved literacy and numeracy skills) of the learners. The study's findings have led to crafting of various recommendations aimed at improving educational procedures in light of classroom disruptions. These measures encompass allocating resources towards enhancing the skills and knowledge of administrators, adopting proactive approaches to reduce interruptions, and cultivating a climate of creativity and cooperation inside educational establishments.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> inventive strategies, classroom interruptions, no disruption of classes policy, learning performance, teaching and learning, qualitative study, </em><em>Alamada West District</em></p> Carra Michelle V. Amiano Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CHALLENGES OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGERS IN PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION: QUALITATIVE APPROACH <p>This study delved into the challenges of educational managers in promoting sustainable development. Qualitative research methods were employed, with a focus on thematic analysis, to explore the challenges faced by school managers in Makilala, North Cotabato. Seventeen educational managers with five or more years of experience participated in individual interviews, conducted face-to-face using a custom interview guide questionnaire. The findings revealed five key areas where school managers encountered barriers and facilitators in promoting sustainable education: stakeholders’ engagement, (b) financial constraints, (c) institutional barriers, (d) teacher training and professional development, (e) resource and infrastructure. Additionally, two significant factors impacting sustainable education development emerged: (a) challenges of school leaders, (b) implementation of sustainable teaching methods. The study also identified four emerging themes related to the obstacles of sustainable education: (a) stakeholders’ engagement (b) clear policy framework, (c) administrative challenges, (d) competing educational priorities. The study emphasizes how difficult it is to promote sustainable development in educational settings and calls for more research into the specifics of dealing with these issues. Through shedding light on these intricacies, this research advances our comprehension of the terrain of sustainable education and prepares the ground for well-informed approaches to effectively address roadblocks and advance sustainable development. This, in turn, opens the door for well-informed tactics and cooperative endeavors to surmount these challenges and propel the cause of sustainable education.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Educational Managers, Sustainable Development, Qualitative, </em><em>Research, Thematic Analysis, Challenges</em></p> Kris Camille A. Pelletero Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING STAKEHOLDERS ENGAGEMENT IN SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT: A MIXED METHODS INVESTIGATION OF INSIGHTS AND STRATEGIES <p>This study uses an exploratory mixed-method design to investigate how stakeholders are involved in school development. The method consists of a qualitative phase that is followed by a quantitative phase. Its precise objectives were to create, grow, and assess the stakeholder engagement scale's aspects in school development. Ten stakeholders took part in the in-depth interview during the qualitative phase. The interview yielded four themes: the significance of stakeholder engagement; ways for engaging stakeholders; obstacles and difficulties; and suggestions for enhancement, rather than rating measures. Based on the findings of the interview, a new 26-item stakeholders' scale was also created. Three hundred questionnaire responses were examined for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) during the quantitative phase. Five fundamental aspects of stakeholders' involvement in school development were shown by the results. The development of a 17-item questionnaire covering the dimensions of stakeholders' engagement in school development resulted in the development of four themes: the importance of stakeholder engagement (4 items), strategies for stakeholder engagement (3 items), challenges and barriers (6 items), and recommendations for improvement (4 items). In order to enhance schools, this study advised school administrators to stress the value of developing cooperative relationships with stakeholders, such as teachers, parents, students, and community members. It is also recommended that fostering a culture of trust, open communication, and shared responsibility among stakeholders can enhance engagement and collaboration. Involving stakeholders in decision-making processes, recognizing and valuing their contributions, and building strong community partnership are key strategies for promoting school improvement and achieving positive educational outcomes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Stakeholders Engagement, School Development, Exploratory </em><em>Sequential Design, Factor Analysis, Municipality of Makilala,</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Philippine </em></p> Rowena D. Cabarillos Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPACT OF SCHOOL LEADERS PERSONAL VALUES AND APPROACHES TO SCHOOL GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP PRACTICES: CONVERGENT DESIGN <p>The study was conducted to find out the levels of personal values, levels of school governance and levels of leadership practices among school leaders as well as if personal values and school governance significantly predict leadership practices. This study used a convergent mixed method design with a total of 17 participants for qualitative data, specifically 10 participants for the individual interview and 7 for focus group discussion. Meanwhile, a total of 200 school leaders were asked to answer the survey questionnaire for the quantitative data. A survey questionnaire was used to gather data on personal values, school governance and leadership practices. The result revealed that there is a high level of personal values, high level of school governance and high leadership practices level. Moreover, all the variables personal values and school governance significantly predicts leadership practices. Meanwhile, two themes emerge from the interview which put emphasis on ethical leadership, and organizational culture. Furthermore, data revealed a strong confirmation on the corroboration between the quantitative data and the qualitative data. This study recommended that educational stakeholders prioritize the cultivation of ethical leadership and the nurturing of positive organizational cultures within schools. School leaders should undergo continuous professional development to enhance their understanding and practice of ethical leadership, focusing on principles such as integrity, transparency, and accountability.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></strong><em>Personal Values, School Governance, Leadership Practices, Convergent Design, Mixed Method, Municipality of Kabacan, Philippines</em></p> Janet D. Abing Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXAMINING STUDENTS’ LEARNING COMPLEXITIES IN THE NEW NORMAL: AN EXPLORATORY DESIGN <p>This study aimed to explore and examine the students’ learning complexities in the new normal among Grade 6 learners in President Roxas, Cotabato. The study utilized an exploratory research approach. A total of 190 Grade 6 learners were participated in the study. Based on the result, the study revealed that learners during new normal have the learning complexity mostly on the aspect of needing support to learning, in-capabilities of parental support, learners that needs assistance to comply the learning activities, and the capabilities of learners to read that affects their learning. The study developed a 36 items test questions to measure the learning complexity of learners with five dimensional aspects that includes the topic or lesson adjustment, complexity on willingness to learn, complexity on support learning, complexity on time management, and complexity on organizing and communication. Further, most of the items to measure the learning complexity of learners are under to the aspect of topics or lessons adjustment, followed by support and time management. Moreover, the study suggests that the developed tool that should be used as instrument for other researcher in conducting related study. There should be study to be conducted on Elementary and Secondary learners in separate manner using the instrument being develop to compare the result. The teachers, on the other hand, to improve student learning should focus on finding ways to promote lesson adjustment, time management and supports among learners.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Learning Complexity, New Normal, Grade 6 Learners, Exploratory Approach, President Roxas, Cotabato, Philippines.</em></p> Lorren P. Lojena Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PREDICTORS OF OPENNESS TO CHANGE IN REORGANIZING WORKPLACE <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study delves into the complexities of Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) education, focusing on teachers' experiences, challenges, and strategies in implementing ALS interventions. Through qualitative analysis, four key themes emerged from each of the three areas explored: the essence of teacher intervention, challenges faced in implementation, and overcoming these challenges with effective strategies. Firstly, teachers' interventions in ALS are characterized by Long-Term Commitment, Adaptation and Responsiveness, Personalization in Education, and Engagement and Motivation. These attributes highlight the dedication and flexibility required of educators in ALS environments, emphasizing the need for a tailored approach to meet diverse learner needs. Secondly, the study identifies four major challenges faced by ALS teachers: Resource Constraints, Economic and Accessibility Challenges, Contemporary Challenges, and the necessity of Enhancing Employability. These challenges underscore the resource limitations and the dynamic nature of the educational landscape that educators must navigate. Lastly, the study reveals strategies for overcoming these challenges: Engagement and Collaboration, Integrative Learning, Network Engagement, and Quantitative Assessment. These strategies suggest a collaborative, multifaceted approach to ALS education, involving continual assessment and integration of various learning modalities. Conclusions highlight the resilience and adaptability of ALS educators amidst various challenges. Recommendations include increased resource allocation, policy reforms for greater accessibility and economic support, continuous professional development for educators, and a curriculum that aligns with current employability demands.</span></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Alternative Learning Systems, Teacher Interventions, Educational </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Challenges, Strategy Implementation, Inclusive Education,</span> <em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Qualitative Approach, Kidapawan City</span></em></p> Jinky M. Billones Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ADDRESSING ISSUES OF LEARNERS-AT-RISK OF DROPPING OUT: EXPLORATORY APPROACH <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to explore the issues affecting learners at risk of dropping out using exploratory sequential design. The qualitative analysis yielded nine themes: Empathetic Educational Support, Economic Hardship Impact, Student Welfare Monitoring, Resource Allocation Challenges, Complex Educational Barriers, Individualized Support Challenges, Educational Support Enhancements, Supportive Learning Strategies, and Practical Skills Development. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) further refined these into five underlying dimensions: Holistic Support for Education, Comprehensive Success Strategies, Supportive Educational Services, Comprehensive Dropout Solutions, and Student Wellbeing Support. A 60-item instrument was developed, with each dimension demonstrating high reliability, supporting the validity of the comprehensive approach. The overall Cronbach's alpha of 0.938 indicates strong internal consistency across the scale, while the subscales also exhibit high reliability: Holistic Support for Education (α=0.879), Comprehensive Success Strategies (α=0.917), Supportive Educational Services (α=0.916), Comprehensive Dropout Solutions (α=0.976), and Student Wellbeing Support (α=0.929). Recommendations for school administrators, teachers, students, and the community highlight strategic steps to improve retention. For administrators, early identification systems and balanced resource allocation are key, alongside holistic support initiatives and community partnerships. Teachers should foster supportive classroom environments, adapt teaching methods, and engage with students directly. Students are encouraged to utilize support services, communicate openly, explore alternative educational pathways, and develop time management skills. Community involvement is critical, offering additional resources, job opportunities, and a supportive network.</span></p> <p><br><strong>Keywords</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: </span> <em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Dropout Prevention, Educational Support, Student Wellbeing, Community Involvement, Resource Allocation, Kidapawan City</span></em></p> Gretchel Q. Dela Cruz Copyright (c) 2024 Southeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000