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Published: 2023-04-29


Stakeholders Disagreement Exploratory Sequential Design Kidapawan City.


This study determined the factor structure of teachers views Teachers’ Views on Dealing Disagreement with School Stakeholders using Exploratory Sequential Design. The exploratory sequential mixed methods design was utilized that started with qualitative phase then followed by quantitative data collection and analysis. More specifically, it aimed to construct of teachers views on dealing disagreement with school stakeholders in a sample of teachers. In the qualitative phase, there were ten (10) teachers who participated in the in-depth interview and seven (7) teachers participated in the focus group discussion. Moreover, a total of 200 teachers have been selected as respondents in quantitative phase. Meanwhile, the data were analyzed using the thematic analysis and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results show that a total of nine themes have emerged in the qualitative findings that put emphasis on Proper Communication, Respect, Understanding, Complaints, Non-Compliance, Overlapping Activities, Transparency, Participation and Open for Suggestions. On the other hand, the EFA results showed three underlying dimensions of teachers in dealing disagreement such as Instigate Suggestions, Right Conversation, and Susceptible for Suggestions. Therefore, the study concludes that Teachers' thoughts on resolving stakeholder issues are still important today. Schools are often seen as centres of violence; they may also reflect larger social challenges. The word conflict is misunderstood because it lacks comprehension of the components that lead to conflict.

Keywords: Stakeholders, Disagreement, Exploratory Sequential Design, Kidapawan City.