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Published: 2024-07-05


morale change management organizational efficiency regression analysis Kabacan North District Philippines


Generally, the study determined the teachers’ morale on the relationship between change management and organizational efficiency. It specifically determined the significant correlation between the change management, organizational efficiency, and teachers’ morale. Descriptive–correlational research design was used to analyze the data taken from the 105 respondents chosen through complete enumeration. It used a self-formulated survey questionnaires that was validated. It was tested to measure its reliability using Cronbach Alpha (0.111). The statistical tools used to test the hypothesis were Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and Regression Analysis. Findings showed that the level of change management where they are upgraded in innovating solutions to address gaps, understanding changes of management process, and engaging the entire team towards a common goal. The level of teachers’ morale where they are outstanding in making everyone feel important and valued, capturing students’ attention and stimulate their curiosity and offering individual assistance to struggling students. The level of organizational efficiency where they are highly efficient in utilizing existing resources to achieved goals and caring out duty and responsibility to achieve the objective of the overall teaching and learning process. Moreover, the organizational efficiency had a significant relationship with the teachers’ morale. A significant influence of the same factor was also observed. Therefore, if the teachers’ morale highly practice within an organization, the efficiency of an organization will increase. Hence, change management had an insignificant relationship with the teachers’ morale. As a result, organizational efficiency directly influences teachers’ morale regardless of the level of change management.


Keywords:  morale, change management, organizational efficiency, regression analysis, Kabacan North District, Philippines